Our portfolio of projects (page 2):
This solution encompassed much more than the Windows Application embedded inside the clients Charting application, but
this quick view shows how we can work with any available resources to add to and enhance the end users experience in Windows
and the applications they already use.
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This solution is a custom monitoring console application (that we designed for the client) which reports to the Xymon monitoring server to test for MS Cluster
fail-overs, resource failures or warnings, and changes in resource nodes. Our client did not want to disable testing the
cluster when known resources would be off-line for extended periods, so we created a granular test disabler that is used
to disable specific Cluster groups or resources from monitoring while keeping monitoring active on all other groups and
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View this case study to see a list and short synopsis of some other types of applications we have developed for our clients...
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This is an example of data display in a dynamic expanding tree list. We can display any data in virtually endless
numbers of branches depending the desired view...
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